Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Illegal Mexicans 80 miles within the Arizona border setting up observation areas in the hills to coordinate drugs and illegal MEXICANS and others into the U.S..
Why do we not have our military operating an all out assault with every means possible to wipe these INVADERS OUT!
It’s just simply amazing to me that the Liberal, Communist, Socialist Obama Democrats would rather jeopardize the security and sovereignty of the Unites States in order to build their voting base.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Rep. Etheridge Attacks Student @ Pelosi Fundraiser 2

I wish he would grab my arm like that -
I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America,,, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all! Today is flag day,,,,, and just in case there is any confusion over which flag,.... There is only ONE FLAG AND ONE GOD that are etched in this country's history.
by Jan Morgan

Friday, May 28, 2010

A Wisconsin Army veteran — who faced eviction for flying the American flag — can now keep it up for as long as he wants, and he got some help in the fight from nationwide protest. It just goes to show if enough people get pissed off and get involved we can take back this nation from the misguided Socialist Liberal Communist Obama Reich.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dr. David Bartob - On Obama

Dr. David Barton - on Obama

* Respect the office? Yes.
* Respect the man in the office? No, I am sorry to say.
* I have noted that many elected officials, both Democrats and Republicans, called upon America to unite behind Obama.
Well, I want to make it clear to all who will listen that I AM NOT uniting behind Obama!
* I will respect the office which he holds, and I will acknowledge his abilities as an orator and wordsmith and pray for him, BUT that is it.

I have begun today to see what I can do to make sure that he is a one-term President!

Why am I doing this? It is because:

* I do not share Obama's vision or value system for America ;
* I do not share his Abortion beliefs;
* I do not share his radical Marxist's concept of re-distributing wealth;
* I do not share his stated views on raising taxes on those who make $150,000+ (the ceiling has been changed three times since August);
* I do not share his view that America is Arrogant;
* I do not share his view that America is not a Christian Nation;
* I do not share his view that the military should be reduced by 25%;
* I do not share his view of amnesty and giving more to illegal's than our American Citizens who need help;
* I do not share his views on homosexuality and his definition of marriage;
* I do not share his views that Radical Islam is our friend and Israel is our enemy who should give up any land;
* I do not share his spiritual beliefs (at least the ones he has made public);
* I do not share his beliefs on how to re-work the healthcare system in America ;
* I do not share his strategic views of the Middle East ;
* and I certainly do not share his plan to sit down with terrorist regimes such as Iran .

Bottom line: my America is vastly different from Obama's, and I have a higher obligation to my Country and my GOD to do what is right!

For eight (8) years, the Liberals in our Society, led by numerous entertainers who would have no platform and no real credibility but for their celebrity status, have attacked President Bush, his family, and his spiritual beliefs!

They have not moved toward the center in their beliefs and philosophies and they never came together nor compromised their personal beliefs for the betterment of our Country!

* They have portrayed my America as a land where everything is tolerated except being intolerant!
* They have been a vocal and irreverent minority for years!
* They have mocked and attacked the very core values so important to the founding and growth of our Country!
* They have made every effort to remove the name of GOD or Jesus Christ from our Society!
* They have challenged capital punishment, the right to bear arms and the most basic principles of our criminal code!
* They have attacked one of the most fundamental of all Freedoms, the right of free speech!

Unite behind Obama? Never ! ! !

I am sure many of you who read this think that I am going overboard, but I refuse to retreat one more inch in favor of those whom I believe are the embodiment of Evil!

PRESIDENT BUSH made many mistakes during his Presidency and I am not sure how history will judge him. However, I believe that he weighed his decisions in light of the long established Judeo-Christian principles of our Founding Fathers!!!

Majority rules in America , and I will honor the concept; however, I will fight with all of my power to be a voice in opposition to Obama and his "goals for America ."

I am going to be a thorn in the side of those who, if left unchecked, will destroy our Country! Any more compromise is more defeat!

I pray that the results of this election will wake up many who have sat on the sidelines and allowed the Socialist-Marxist anti-GOD crowd to slowly change so much of what has been good in America !

"Error of Opinion may be tolerated where Reason is left free to combat it." - Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, May 20, 2010

God Bless Gov. Jan Brewer and the State of Arizona, standing up against Obamanism
and the Socialist Communist left and protecting the Constitutional right to protect it’s citizens and State’s rights.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

An Arizona utilities official is threatening to switch off the electricity the state sends to Los Angeles in response to the city council's vote to boycott the state in protest of its new illegal immagration law - I Love It!

President of Mexico's vist to the USA

Hey Obama, while you’re praising the Mexican President for all he’s done fighting the drug Cartel’s, and allowing him to slam the USA with your lies about the Arizona Immigration Law, (again, mirrors the FERERAL LAW), Mexico is dying! The drugs coming over the border has increased and kidnappings and murders have increased at the border. You calling the Arizona law “misdirected” and you still have not read the bill.
What country are you a President of?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Protect our Constitution

The Constitution shall never be construed... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.
Samuel Adams

Friday, May 14, 2010

Gov. Chris Christie(R-NJ) Puts A Liberal Reporter In His Place!

First Article of the Arizona Immigration Bill, NO PROFILING!


START_STATUTE11-1051. Cooperation and assistance in enforcement of immigration laws; indemnification

A. No official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state may limit or restrict the enforcement of federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law.

B. For any lawful contact stop, detention or arrest made by a law enforcement official or a law enforcement agency of this state or a law enforcement official or a law enforcement agency of a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state in the enforcement of any other law or ordinance of a county, city or town or this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who and is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person, except if the determination may hinder or obstruct an investigation. Any person who is arrested shall have the person's immigration status determined before the person is released. The person's immigration status shall be verified with the federal government pursuant to 8 United States code section 1373(c). A law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state may not solely consider race, color or national origin in implementing the requirements of this subsection except to the extent permitted by the United States or Arizona Constitution. A person is presumed to not be an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States if the person provides to the law enforcement officer or agency any of the following:

1. A valid Arizona driver license.

2. A valid Arizona nonoperating identification license.

3. A valid tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification.

4. If the entity requires proof of legal presence in the United States before issuance, any valid United States federal, state or local government issued identification.

My Morning Thought

Obama and his co-conspirators arguing against Arizona and the Immigration bill, completely proves that the ones that should know the Federal law “DOESN’T”!
In North Carolina if you want to find illegal Immigrants you certainly don’t have to profile anyone, just stop every other car .

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mother Teresa’s 100th Birthday

Every day I am amazed and literally disgusted with Obamunism and the Socialist Left, constant attacks trying to destroy our freedom and Christianity that founded this great nation. And yet again you hear that the powers to be at the Empire State Building denied a request to honor Mother Teresa’s 100th Birthday with lighting the top with blue and white lights. They had no problem changing the colors of the famous building to red and yellow last year to honor the 60th anniversary of China’s Communist Revolution. Under Mao Zedong over 77 million people were killed. They will honor the greatest mass murderer in history and deny Mother Teresa. And some say that I’m over reaching. Unbelievable!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What did Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower have in common?

( Author Unknown ) I did verify that all this is true

What did Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower have in common?

Here is something that should be of great interest for you to pass around.
I didn't know of this until it was pointed out to me.

Back during The Great Depression, President Herbert Hoover ordered the
deportation of ALL illegal aliens in order to make jobs available to American
citizens that desperately needed work..

Harry Truman deported over two million Illegal's after WWII to create jobs
for returning veterans.

And then again in 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower deported 13 million
Mexican Nationals! The program was called 'Operation Wetback'. It was
done so WWII and Korean Veterans would have a better chance at jobs.
It took 2 Years, but they deported them!

Now...if they could deport the illegal's back then - they could sure do it today.

lf you have doubts about the veracity of this information, enter Operation
Wetback into your favorite search engine and confirm it for yourself.

Outrageous! Illegal immigrants and how they drive up our health care co...

Barney Frank Caught Lying About Fannie Mae

Barney Frank: Tip-Toeing Through the Tulips While the Housing Bubble Burst

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Larry the Cable Guy

Larry the Cable Guy

"Even after the recent Super Bowl victory of the New Orleans Saints, I have
noticed a large number of people implying with bad jokes that Cajuns aren't
smart. I would like to state for the record that I disagree with that
assessment. Anybody that would build a city 5 feet below sea level in a
hurricane zone and fill it with Democrats is a damn genius".

Monday, May 3, 2010

Arizona Immigration Bill

If every state would pass and enforce the Federal Immigration Law the so called Health Care problem would be solved!!PCW

Friday, April 30, 2010

Secret Service Overreaction?

Secret Service Overreaction?

Peaceful Tea Party Protest singing “God Bless America” and they call out the Riot Police. Something like the Russian Government or Chinese would do in Red Square or Tenement Square- Unbelievable!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Must See Video


God Bless Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer

The real truth of the illegal alien (12 million what the Socialist Liberals keep saying, but in reality try about 17 or 20 million or more) debacle is that over 70% of Americans support the Arizona Law and want our borders protected and our jobs and hospitals back. Now our Pravda news and Race-Baiters Jesse “kickback” Jackson and the Rev. Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton are calling the Arizona bill racist and making outlandish statements that the AZ in Arizona stands for Nazism, and the Anointed One “ Barrack Hussein Obama is backing these Morons. The Arizona Immigration billed signed by Gov. Jan Brewer authorizes the local Arizona authority to enforce the Federal Immigration Statute and that’s it. Read and study our own Federal Laws before you open you mouth Obama. The only reason the Liberals and Obama want so called Immigration Reform is to increase their government controlled voters i.e. Illegal Aliens to join the Socialist Democrat Party in order to increase their voters block. Arizona bill bans racial profiling. When a LEGAL alien comes to America he/she is issued a Green Card and advised to keep the document (Papers) with them at all times when working or out in the public to show to the authorities when confronted – is this Nazism? HELL NO!! It’s called protecting our Sovereignty and protecting our freedom and safety.