Friday, April 30, 2010

Secret Service Overreaction?

Secret Service Overreaction?

Peaceful Tea Party Protest singing “God Bless America” and they call out the Riot Police. Something like the Russian Government or Chinese would do in Red Square or Tenement Square- Unbelievable!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Must See Video

God Bless Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer

The real truth of the illegal alien (12 million what the Socialist Liberals keep saying, but in reality try about 17 or 20 million or more) debacle is that over 70% of Americans support the Arizona Law and want our borders protected and our jobs and hospitals back. Now our Pravda news and Race-Baiters Jesse “kickback” Jackson and the Rev. Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton are calling the Arizona bill racist and making outlandish statements that the AZ in Arizona stands for Nazism, and the Anointed One “ Barrack Hussein Obama is backing these Morons. The Arizona Immigration billed signed by Gov. Jan Brewer authorizes the local Arizona authority to enforce the Federal Immigration Statute and that’s it. Read and study our own Federal Laws before you open you mouth Obama. The only reason the Liberals and Obama want so called Immigration Reform is to increase their government controlled voters i.e. Illegal Aliens to join the Socialist Democrat Party in order to increase their voters block. Arizona bill bans racial profiling. When a LEGAL alien comes to America he/she is issued a Green Card and advised to keep the document (Papers) with them at all times when working or out in the public to show to the authorities when confronted – is this Nazism? HELL NO!! It’s called protecting our Sovereignty and protecting our freedom and safety.